4 Red Wine Health Benefits Worthy of a Toast
Raise a glass to these benefits of wine, plus discover the healthiest red wines to drink.

For many of us, a glass of red wine is a great way to end a long day. There’s something relaxing about enjoying a good vintage, and sharing a bottle with friends and family is simply good for the soul.
Luckily for us, it turns out that this ritual isn’t just good for the soul. It’s good for the heart, and it has many other health benefits as well.
The health benefits of red wine have been known for a while now. With each passing year, more research confirms that a glass of red wine each night can have a positive impact on your health. From heart health benefits to blood sugar control to weight management, red wine may benefit many of the health problems that challenge us the most.
Read on to discover 4 Red Wine Health Benefits Worthy of a Toast that will encourage you to keep your nightly appointment with Merlot. Just remember, these benefits are only for moderate consumption of red wine (about 1-2 4 oz. servings per day). More wine than that starts causing negative health effects.
Don't know your Merlot from your Pinot? No problem. Learn everything you need to know by reading,
Health Benefits of Red Wine
Tannins in Red Wine Protect Your Heart
You may know tannins from reading wine reviews. They are a tasting component of wine, and reds like Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah have a lot of them. They are also the source of some great red wine health benefits.
Red wine is full of naturally occurring tannins, which are actually a type of antioxidant called a polyphenol. Antioxidants like this are great for heart health because they may keep arteries flexible and reduce the risk of unwanted clotting. Some studies have suggested that a glass of red wine a night may be as good for your heart as an aspirin regimen.
Antioxidants Control Blood Sugar and Cholesterol
Resveratrol is another antioxidant in red wine, and it may help control blood sugar and cholesterol. A recent study followed people with type 2 diabetes who all ate a Mediterranean-style diet for two years. One group had a glass of red wine each night with dinner, while other groups had water or white wine. The group that enjoyed red wine each night had higher HDL (good) cholesterol and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. They also saw improvements to their blood sugar numbers.
A similar study, which tracked people who consumed a grape supplement, found a significant impact of red wine on cholesterol. Patients who consumed the supplement for a period of time had a decrease of LDL cholesterol between 9% and 12%.
Red Wine May Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Another antioxidant in red wine, quercetin, may help reduce your risk of cancer. Researchers have found some indications that this antioxidant interferes with the growth of cancer cells, especially in colon cancers. Although more study is needed, only a few glasses of red wine per week may be enough to get this important benefit.
A Glass Helps Maintain Your Waistline
Research in the Journal of Biological Chemistry suggests that when resveratrol breaks down, it becomes another compound that may help control weight. This compound interferes with the receptors of fat cells, so it’s harder for that bagel you ate for breakfast to become a bagel around your waist. This may be one of the most delicious health benefits of red wine!
What’s the Healthiest Red Wine?
Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah are all great choices. These dry red wines are low in sugar and high in tannins, resveratrol, and other healthy antioxidants. Other dry red wines will also provide many of these benefits, so drink what you like best! Want to be even healthier? Try organic wines in these varietals.
Try a few of these delicious red wines from our wine catalog, and raise a glass to your health!
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